Scott Walker, current Milwaukee County Executive, continues to craft a first-rate campaign in his quest to become Wisconsin's next governor. Walker, a self-proclaimed Reagan Conservative, is one of the Right's young superstars. The RC Blog has endorsed Walker from the day of his announcement. Here is the latest poll data from Wisconsin...
Poll puts Walker ahead of Barrett
Madison -- Republican Scott Walker beat Democrat Tom Barrett in a new poll in the race for governor that showed many voters are still undecided.
The poll also put Republican Mark Neumann ahead of Barrett, but within the poll's margin of error.
The poll by Rasmussen Reports showed Walker with 48% and Barrett with 38%. Two percent would vote for another candidate and 12% were not sure who they would vote for.
Those polled chose Neumann over Barrett, 42% to 38%. Seven percent said they would vote for someone else and 17% weren't sure who they would choose in that match-up.
The poll of 500 voters was taken Wednesday. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.5 percentage points.
Walker is the Milwaukee County executive, Barrett is the Milwaukee mayor and Neumann is a former U.S. representative from Nashotah.
A Republican primary will be held Sept. 14. The general election is Nov. 2.
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