The fight to defeat the nomination of Kathleen Sebelius as the Secretary of Human Services is coming down to its final hours. We have received word from the Senate that they will be debating and voting on her nomination tomorrow, Tuesday April 28.
Governor Sebelius has shown an unwillingness to back down from her extreme pro-abortion agenda. Just this past Thursday, Governor Sebelius vetoed “The 2009 Late-Term and Partial-Birth Abortion Regulation Act” in Kansas that would have put important restrictions on the abortion industry.
Once again Kathleen Sebelius has sided with her abortion clinic friends like George Tiller rather than act to protect women and children from the particularly horrific practices of partial birth and late term abortions.
Write your Senators today and once again urge them to vote NO on Kathleen Sebelius.
As governor, Sebelius has repeatedly vetoed other common-sense restrictions on the abortion industry like the Comprehensive Abortion Reform Act, which would have implemented restrictions on late-term abortion procedures. She has opposed or vetoed several abortion-accountability bills, including legislation that would have required medically-supported clinic regulation. She has also vetoed legislation requiring explicit medical reasons for post-viability, late-term abortions.
It is bad enough that Kathleen Sebelius has pushed her abortion agenda on Kansas. We cannot allow Sebelius’ radical pro-abortion agenda to be implemented for the whole country.
This fight is now more crucial than ever as opposition to Sebelius grows.
Please tell your Senators to join the growing chorus of opposition to Kathleen Sebelius!
There is still time to make your voice heard!
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The race is on. That would be the race to carry Pennsylvania for former
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