Earlier this morning, legendary Washington television sports anchor, George Michael (Mr. "Go For It!"), died at the age of 70 after a two year battle with leukemia.
Michael hit the Washington, D.C. market with a bang in 1980 and revolutionized the sports portion of the 6:00 p.m. news. In the days before wide-spread cable and satellite TV, Michael provided Washingtonians with not only great video of the local teams, but introduced many of us to NASCAR, rodeo, professional wrestling, and other off-beat sports.
After dominating the DC market, his 11:30 p.m. Sunday night "Sports Machine" show was picked up nationally by most of the NBC affiliates.
On a personal note, I had the pleasure of spending the day with Michael when I was in 8th grade during "career day". To say the least, I had the best "career day" experience of anyone at Robinson Secondary in 1982. He was a major part of my childhood while growing up in the DC area. I knew to get inside and turn on Channel 4 at 6:18 p.m. every weekday to catch Michael and the local sports.
Click here for the WRC-TV article on Michael's career and life.
What viewers most enjoyed was Michael's interaction with long-time main WRC anchor, Jim Vance. Here is an all-time classic:
“The reputation of the so-called science of global warming just reversed course,” our resource analyst Byron King observes, continuing today’s theme. “It's more like ‘political’ science now -- literally -- and there are 3,000 e-mails to prove it.
“Last week, the global warming movement crashed, along with its holier-than-thou ‘only we can save the world’ aura of empirical certitude. Down with the ship went the last semblance of unblinking, unthinking willingness to submit to draconian, Procrustean ‘cap and trade’ legislation against fossil fuels.
“The cause of the crash was a batch of purloined e-mails from the University of East Anglia and its Climate Research Unit (Climate Research Fabrication Unit is more like it). When the contents of the e-mails hit the fan, the U.K. Telegraph headlined that "This Is the Worst Scientific Scandal of Our Generation."
“The East Anglia e-mails reveal a transnational cabal of scientists whose ethics and methods mirror those of Stalin's favorite biologist, Comrade Trofim Lysenko. That is, these modern Merlins of global warming have massaged the climate data to fit their preconceived anti-CO2 theories. For many years, the climate change Godfathers have humiliated and intimidated scientists who dared to disagree. They've squashed dissent. They've blackballed academic journals that didn't toe the line of politically correct global warming wisdom. And they've done it all under the rubric of ‘peer-reviewed’ science -- where they are the peers über alles. Nice work, if you can get it…
“To my way of seeing things, the proposed remedies for global warming never added up. Now, with the release of the East Anglia e-mails, we know that things were never supposed to add up. The whole global warming and remedies process is designed to lasso a perceived ‘environmental’ problem and use it to fulfill a laundry list of campus-Marxist political agendas. And quite a bit of the mainstream West swallowed it, hook, line and sinker.”
Congratulations to Steve Hunt for his victory in yesterday's "Firehouse Primary" for the Republican nomination for Virginia's 37th Senate district. The special election will take place on January 12 to replace Attorney General-Elect Ken Cuccinelli's seat.
Although the RC Blog endorsed Will Nance for the nomination in yesterday's primary, Steve is a solid choice and will make an excellent Senator for the 37th Distict. We have no problems supporting his campaign and will work hard to elect Steve Hunt in January.
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